Notwithstanding the hype around AI in recent years, quintessentially its ability to discern patterns and relationships across untenably large and complex datasets is powerful.

This clarity allows people to make confident decisions while alleviating cognitive limitations.

Cognisant of this and the research that has underpinned AI globally, we embarked on creating Stock Seer and Seer Insights.

Meet the team

Joshua D’Silva

Joshua D’Silva


Josh holds an accredited mechatronics and electronics engineering degree from the Australian National University, however, he has completed projects in domains as different as materials science and computer vision. Having gained an appreciation for deep-learning’s potency early in his career, he has since focused his versatile aptitudes towards the mastery of this discipline, and currently researches, designs and implements the algorithms at the core of SEER's solutions.
Roland D’Silva

Roland D’Silva


With a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, Roland has thrived at the juncture of software engineering and Retail for 25+ years, having architected and managed complex implementations that have aligned technology with the customer's business goals. Roland has also been mentoring businesses and start-ups in their quest for market growth and is often the go-to person when complex issues need a sounding board.
Damien Anselmi

Damien Anselmi


A chartered accountant by qualification, Damien brings more than 35 years of retail technology experience to Seer, specialising in Data Design, Analytics, and Data Visualization. Damien's focus at Seer is Data Development, and he is a key contributor to product strategy and design.

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